
Showing posts from March, 2019

DIKA and the OODA Loop

  As I sit here and think about the DIKA Model, I wonder what DIKA utopia would look like.  To me it would be a company that embraces the model from top to bottom almost as much as they do AGILE or ISO 9000.  But in my case, I have not experienced DIKA in any organized fashion.  My experiences are highly disorganized and could be improved upon if there were the correct manpower assets and time needed to correct the communication problems and data repositories needed to employ an effective DIKA process.  Instead of effective utopian DIKA process my company uses dysfunctional data elements in non-consolidated locations to share needed information that is important to the success of programs.  I consider it in-efficient and it slows the performance of the program.  To be effective the DIKA process has to be employed in full, not leaving any part of the process out.    My company employs part of the process great, that is the Action portion of the process, but without the Data and Informa

DIKA Presentation


DIKA Trial


DIKA Assignment
